Friday, May 1, 2009

Huevos Rancheros

I found this wonderful recipe on Smitten Kitchen's blog. It is delicious, healthy, colorful, and extremely easy and quick (which is very important when you are famished after a long day of work!) I get to the famished point very quickly as my blood sugar tends to fall fast and hard at which point I can think of nothing other than avoiding the inevitable migraine by eating anything and everything I can get my hands on. So, this is a perfect meal for one of those times, and any other time you want something delicious and simple. I do believe that I could handle this recipe, even at that pre-migraine stage; that is just how simple it is. Without further ado, here is Smitten Kitchen's recipe for Huevos Ranchero's:

For the fresh salsa topping you will need:

2 Large, Fresh, Ripe Tomatoes
1/2 Large White Onion, peeled and minced
3 cloves minced, raw Garlic (if you are not a huge fan of garlic, you may want to use less. I found this amount to be quite desirable which may say that it would be too much for most people)
1 Habanero or Jalapeno Pepper stemmed, seeded, and minced ( I left this out because I do not like anything spicy and Tim has a deep hatred for jalapeno peppers)
1/4 C Cilantro Leaves
1 T Fresh Lime Juice or 1 t Red Wine Vinegar
Salt and Pepper to taste

Mix all of the ingredients in a large bowl and let stand at least 15 minutes before serving to allow all of the flavors to combine. Smitten Kitchen suggests using this within a few hours. I snacked on the leftovers the next day and they were still delicious.

And now for the main event, here is what you will need for the Huevos Rancheros:
6-inch Corn Tortillas
some Shredded Cheddar Cheese
Salt and Pepper
Black Beans

There is not an exact amount of any of the above ingredients because you can make as many or as little of these beauties as you want.

Heat a tortilla in an oiled pan. When it is golden brown on the bottom, flip it over. Sprinkle some shredded cheddar cheese on the browned side and allow it to melt. You can use as much or as little cheese as you want to. I gave Tim extra because he is a cheese addict. Break an egg over the tortilla. Season with salt and pepper.

It is okay for the egg to spill over the edge of the tortilla. You are just going to cover it with salsa and all sorts of other goodness, so who cares what it looks like!

When the egg is about halfway set, flip it over again. This is the fun part. You don't have to do it perfectly, or even well. I am a terrible flipper. I always make Tim do all the pancake flipping in our house because I am not even close to careful enough. I love this recipe because I can finally do the flipping! So, pick it up with a big sturdy spatula, and flip it over knowing that this is not going to look beautiful whether you are a perfectionist or not. Cook it for a few minutes on this side to let the egg finish cooking, and stick it on your plate. Repeat this process to create as many huevos rancheros as you need to satisfy the hungry crowd that has gathered as a result of the tasty smell coming from your kitchen. Top it with your fresh salsa, or you can use jarred salsa if you do not want to make your own-it will just be a little more liquidy/messy that way. Add sour cream, guacamole, and whatever else you like. Serve with black beans and tortilla chips, or if you're me, put the black beans on top of you Huevo Ranchero, and dig-in.

This was also delicious with a Goose Island Summertime Brew. I highly recommend the combination if you are a beer lover.

1 comment:

  1. These were very tasty and healthy too.

    The only thing to look out for when you're making this recipe is to very carefully crack the egg onto the tortilla. The eggs like to just slip right off, so if you're not careful you could end up with cheesy tortillas with a side of egg. The egg adheres to the tortilla as it cooks, so once it has started to cook through, you should be okay. Our stove is not perfectly level, so the eggs were prone to trying to escape from the tortilla and I had to balance the pan to keep them (mostly) on top.

    P.S. Everything is better with Goose Island!
